American Fairy Tales is a delightful collection of enchanting stories by L. Frank Baum, the beloved author of "The Wonderful Wizard of Oz". This compilation brings together twelve captivating tales that will spark the imagination of both children and adults alike.
Dive into a world of wonder with these charming stories:
The Box of Robbers
The Glass Dog
The Queen of Quok
The Girl Who Owned a Bear
The Enchanted Types
The Laughing Hippopotamus
The Magic Bon Bons
The Capture of Father Time
The Wonderful Pump
The Dummy That Lived
The King of the Polar Bears
The Mandarin and the Butterfly
Each story in American Fairy Tales is filled with unique characters, magical adventures, and valuable lessons. Baum's storytelling prowess shines through in these lesser-known works, offering readers a chance to explore beyond his famous Oz series.
This digital collection comes with Personal Use Rights, allowing you to enjoy these timeless tales for your own reading pleasure. Immerse yourself in the world of American Fairy Tales and rediscover the joy of classic storytelling.